Get Things Out of My Facebook Feed

Want to disable Suggested for You on Facebook?

This is a common complaint.

A separate issue among Facebook Page owners is Similar Page Suggestions sending new fans right to their competitors!

We'll cover removing Suggested Groups, Friends, and Pages for personal accounts.

Then we'll address business Page admins (where suggestions actually can be turned off completely).

This article has been checked and updated as of August 2022.

Want to disable Facebook similar page suggestions on your Page? Participation in Page Suggestions is voluntary. Here's how to turn it off.

Why Do I Have Suggested Friends, Pages & Groups?

Suggestions on Facebook are coming from FB itself, not from other users.

Facebook has one agenda: To keep you on Facebook longer, so you will see more ads, so they will make more money.

To this end, Suggested Pages in the Facebook News Feed can't be completely eliminated – without a third party app.

But we can try to temper them.

Can I Remove Facebook Suggested Pages?

For personal profiles, the short answer appears to be "No."

Suggested Pages get a few users to click around and maybe even share some Facebook Likes. So FB's mission is accomplished.

Once upon a time we could disable Suggested Pages, but it appears this setting has been removed.

Just in case it returns at some point:

  1. In the top bar, click the down arrow to the right of the help ? icon.
  2. Click on Settings. I also tried News Feed Preferences…
  3. Click on Privacy in the left sidebar. I also tried Apps and Websites. None brought up the needed setting, which is…
  4. In the "Instant Personalization" section, uncheck the "Enable instant personalization on partner websites" check box.

As I noted above, I can no longer find this setting anywhere, so consider this…

Can I Edit Which Pages Are Suggested?

If Facebook is going to give us these regardless, then perhaps we can help guide them to at least show us relevant Pages.

They certainly haven't told us how to do that, but I would start with your Ad Topics and edit your interests.

Note: These settings may or may not be part of the Facebook Page Suggestions algorithm – but they should!

To adjust ad settings from a desktop browser:

  1. Click your profile pic at top right and selectSettings and Privacy.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Next click on Ads, thenAd Topics in the left sidebar.
  4. Search for topics you want to see less of.
  5. ClickSee Less.

If Facebook is smart, they will pay attention to your stated interests when suggesting Pages.

where to click see less of facebook ad topic.

You can also click on Ad Settings and adjust which categories advertisers can use to show you targeted ads.

I can't guarantee you'll see fewer Suggested Pages in these niches, but it sure would make sense.

To adjust ad settings from the Facebook mobile app:

  1. Tap your Facebook profile pic at bottom right.
  2. TapSettings & privacy.
  3. Now tap Settings.
  4. Scroll down to Ads and tap Ad Preferences.
  5. AdjustAd Topics and Ad Settings as desired.

A reader also had these suggestions:

Currently it is not possible to get rid of the "suggested pages" but it is possible to direct the topics shown…

My personal feeling is that there are some hidden things on FB. They somehow find out how long a post on a timeline is actively on your screen, and based on that sort of preference a multiplier is generated. You don't have to like it, it's just the time you watch something.

If you think the "suggested pages" show something where e.g. the girlfriend gets jealous, then click on "show all" and scroll down… and like some pages with a certain preference. That changes the "direction"… e.g. a guy likes high heels, and somehow FB then only suggests pages with heels and then he thinks his GF should not see that.

To change that choose, 10 or 15 pages with something completely different but with the same different topic. e.g. cars… for sure the next 10 or 20 suggestions are about car pages only. I believe (but I don't know yet) that needs some likes here and there to keep showing car pages…

Try one or both of these, and let me know if the Suggested Pages become more suited to your interests.

How Do I Remove Suggested Groups on Facebook?

Facebook is also suggesting posts from public groups, and groups you may wish to join.

These seem to be based on similar groups you're a member of, or groups that friends are in.

If you don't want to see these, do not like or comment! You can choose to hide the Suggested Post and you won't see any more from that group.

where to hide suggested post.

If you see Suggested Groups, click See more and X out ones you don't want to see again.

I bet Facebook will still suggest groups to you – just not these ones.

where to X out groups you don't want to see suggested again.

Can I Remove Suggested Friends on Facebook?

Another Suggested for You feature is for friends.

Facebook has become very good at figuring out potential connections between people and now offers suggestions.

These may be people with mutual friends, shared education history, or who are in a network you are in.

Some people suspect they may even be from other apps, but officially, this isn't the case.

And sometimes, there's just no clear reason why the algorithm suggests the person!

The good news is that you can simply ignore it if you don't want to add more friends.

Plus if you happen to block someone for any reason, they won't ever make an appearance on your list.

Trouble adding the people you actually want to friend? Learn how to add friends on Facebook.

Can I Remove Similar Page Suggestions on my Page?

Surprisingly here, the answer is YES.

Are you a Facebook business Page admin or owner?

When a new fan "Likes" your Page, they'll be served a series of suggested Pages they may also wish to "Like."

These recommendations aren't paid placements. Facebook bases suggestions on location, category, and other pages "Liked" by fans of your page.

Fans can hover over a suggested Page's thumbnail to "Like" it right away, or click on it to go check out the Page. Or, they can click "See All" to be taken to the full "Like Your Favorite Pages" browser.

It's cool that the suggested Pages are based on fans' interests, rather than what's most popular. But it is a distraction from spending more time on your Page, which they just "Liked." Suggested Pages might tempt them to click away quickly.

Participation in Page Suggestions is voluntary. But if you opt out of having suggestions shown to your new fans, then your Page won't be suggested to new fans of other Pages. It's a tradeoff.

I've been asked for this info by a reader who found the suggestions totally irrelevant to her Page.

Others may not want their new fans being steered to competitors. See the screenshot below. If I worked for Crate and Barrel, I would not like this lineup!

It's your call.

Facebook Similar Page Suggestions may lead new fans to your competitors.
Facebook Similar Page Suggestions may lead new fans to your competitors.

How to Turn Off Similar Page Suggestions on Fan Pages

Login to Facebook on your personal account that's an admin of the Page.

  1. From the left sidebar of your Page, clickSettings.
  2. From General, click Similar Page Suggestions.
  3. Click to uncheck the box next to Include [Page name] when recommending similar Pages people might like on a Page timeline.
  4. Click Save Changes. source

The screenshot below is of New Facebook in 2021.

turn off Facebook Similar Page Suggestions screenshot.

Still seeing "People Also Like" on your Facebook Page?

This post was originally published August 2013. I believe the "People Also Like" section is no longer shown on the Page.

If you still see it, try this:

  1. Hover the top bar of the section and click the Edit pencil.
  2. Click Manage Sections.
  3. Click the"People Also Like"  bar and drag it to the bottom of the list.
It seems we can't get rid of "People Also Like" in the Facebook Page sidebar. But you can drag it to the very bottom via "Manage Sections."
It seems we can't get rid of "People Also Like" in the Facebook Page sidebar. But you can drag it to the very bottom via "Manage Sections."

Now, at least it will be below all other sections – and probably never noticed.


If you dare to try it, a third party app that might help you control FB suggestions is called F.B. Purity. The F.B. allegedly stands for "Fluff Busting" and is in no way endorsed by Facebook.

I haven't used it nor am I recommending it. Do your due diligence before trying it out.

If you have any other tips, tricks, or updates, please leave a comment to help others with Suggested for You on Facebook!


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